Congratulations to Troop 309's Scoutmaster Todd Wunder who was just awarded the Unit Leader Award of Merit.
Mr. Wunder, left in photo, was awarded a new Scoutmaster badge designated with a gold star above the fleur de lis, a special knot badge, and a certificate from the Chief Seattle Council and the Seattle Territory.
He was honored for his many years of service, keeping the Troop active through Covid, bringing in many new youth into the Troop, and generally being an inspiring and wonderful leader. Congratulations, Todd. Our Troop is lucky to have you!
Here is more about the award:
"Quality unit leadership is the key to a quality unit program—and it leads to better Scout retention. Statistics show that if young people stay engaged in the program for at least five years, the BSA’s influence likely will stay with them for the rest of their lives. A quality Scouting experience will help keep Scouts in the program, and the Boy Scouts of America created the Unit Leader Award of Merit to recognize the quality unit leaders who make that happen."